The Kenya Forest Service
 Kenya Forest Service
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Conserving the country’s forest resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

Welcome to Kenya Forest Service

Introducing Kenya Forest Service online services. Apply and pay for the services conveniently through your eCitizen account


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About Kenya Forest Service

Kenya Forest Service is a state corporation that was created through the Forest Act, 2005 (now repealed). The Service derives her mandate from the Forest Conservation and Management Act (FCMA), 2016. The Service is mandated to conserve, develop and sustainably manage forests and allied resources for environmental stability and the social-economic development of the people of Kenya

 Kenya Forest Service

Our Mission

Conservation, sustainable development, management and utilization of the country's forest resources for equitable benefit of present and future generations.

Our Vision

To be an internationally recognized organisation for excellence in knowledge-based sustainable forest resources management and conservation.

Online Services

Apply and pay for the services conveniently through your eCitizen account by clicking [Apply now] below. After completing the application, print the resulting document and proceed to make payments using appropriate payment method provided.


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One of our strategic objectives is to rehabilitate degraded natural forest areas, develop and conserve all natural forests

Our other objectives are to restock and sustainably manage all public forest plantations, increase forest cover outside public forest areas and strengthen capacity for efficient utilization of resources and effective service delivery among others.

 Kenya Forest Service

Strategic Objectives

  1. 1. To rehabilitate degraded natural forest areas, develop and conserve all public natural forests.
  2. 2. To restock and sustainably manage all public forest plantations.
  3. 3. To increase forest cover outside public forest areas.
  4. 4. To protect and secure public forests and other corporate assets.
  5. 5. To strengthen capacity for efficient utilization of resources and effective service delivery.